
the future

you want to see.

So you want to know more about

Patrick and Magnitude.BiZ?

Okay I will tell you,

I'm Patrick Tarpey.

For over three decades, my career has been centred on education and coaching—like weaving a narrative that entertains and enlightens me. I've navigated numerous outdoor adventures, each packed with its own set of stories and teachings.

Alongside this, I've dedicated ten years to one-on-one coaching, assisting individuals in aligning their lives with their aspirations and reaching new heights.

Here’s the insight I've gained: a life led by clear purpose and positivity is more fulfilling and impactful. It’s about more than just making a living; it’s about making a difference.

This is why I'm drawn to partnering with businesses, particularly those poised to make a significant impact and those ready to shine and stand out for their values.

My expertise?

Ensuring the right elements are in place at the right time!

What does this mean for you?

- Uncovering Your Core: With my extensive experience, I’m here to delve into the heart of your business's 'why,' making sure your operations do more than just function—they thrive on their values.

- Cultivating a Strong Team: Having honed my skills in the great outdoors and through coaching, I understand the essentials of building a team that supports each other and excels together.

- Amplifying Your Message: It's all about conveying your message authentically and enthusiastically. I have strategies to ensure your message resonates and engages, preparing your audience for action.

- Narrating Your Story: Powerful, authentic storytelling can captivate and retain attention. I’ll help you tell your story in a way that attracts and builds a community around your vision.

Let's start a conversation if you're committed to using your business as a force for good and making a tangible impact. Let's meet over a cup of tea and discuss how we can illuminate your part of the world.

So now you know.


Patrick Tarpey

91 Clark Road



Copyright Magnitude 2023-24