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Vintage circuit diagram of a radio circuit.

A Pen, Bucket, Co-axial Cable, and a Dream

August 29, 20242 min read

A Pen, Bucket, Coaxial Cable, and a Dream.

A circuit diagram for a simple radio. Vintage

Back in 1967,

North Staffordshire was ablaze with rumors of alien spacecraft (U.F.O.s) being sighted over Bentilee. This craze of looking to the heavens for celestial craft was reignited by the first moon landing in July 1969. I was about seven and a half years old then, and very interested in space and technology.

After reading in my children's encyclopedia about how radar worked, I decided to make my own Alien Spacecraft Detection system.

Resources were limited, but I reckoned I could do it with improvisation, a broom handle, some coaxial cable, and a pen. So, I punched a hole in the bucket, passed through the cable, and mounted the apparatus on the roof of the coalhouse. Attached the cable to the pen and waited...

After a few days, I became aware of a large shape looming into my presence. It was my Dad. I explained to him what I was doing, and he explained what additional things I needed to do to make it work: amplifiers, a power source, and maybe a pen chart recorder.

I felt a bit let down; after all, I had seen how it was done in the book. He asked if I could take down my equipment as it was scaring the rag'n'bone man's horse, and they really needed the brush back. The lesson I learned from this instance was that sometimes your sources of information only give you superficial help.

Right now, as a business coach and operator,

I'm always on the lookout for 'How to...' type information.

I reckon if I read something and understand it, I can apply it and do it myself.

You know the type of thing: 'How to increase your sales by 50%' or 'How to double your profits in six weeks.'

They all make great promises, but much like my childhood radar experiment,

these guides often offer only a superficial understanding.

But here's the game-changer:

The Entrepreneurs' Marketing and Sales System

isn't just a dry set of theories or superficial headlines. It's a practical, step-by-step guide to achieving real business success.

With this system and my coaching, you won't be left wondering why things don't work. Instead, you'll experience the thrill of success and think,

'Why didn't I try this before?'

After my initial radar attempt, I borrowed a book about radio from the library and ended up using my bed springs to make a radio. I was thrilled to tune into Radio Stoke and, as the sun went down, even Radio Kiev. This taught me the power of diving deeper and finding practical solutions.

Ready to dive deep and transform your business?

Get in touch, and let's talk about your business.

Together, we can unlock your full potential.

Entrepreneurs' Marketing SystemBusiness SuccessBusiness CoachingInnovationPractical SolutionsChildhood CuriositySpace ExplorationDIY TechnologyBusiness Growth
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Patrick M Tarpey

The Right Things in the Right Place at the Right Time- Creating the future you want to see.

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Patrick Tarpey

91 Clark Road



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