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Two Images, LHS a young boy climbing, RHS A Professional Climber on a Sumit

Are You a Successful Professional Business Person or an Anxious Wannabe?

June 17, 20245 min read

"Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do." - Steven Bartlett

Are You a Successful Professional Business Person or an Anxious Wannabe?


In the competitive business world, it's not uncommon to find yourself struggling to progress and yearning to make a significant impact. The key to achieving your aims lies in your professionalism. This blog will help you reflect on your current practices and guide you towards adopting behaviours that will drive your business forward and allow you to make a meaningful impact. By embracing professional behaviours, you can pave the way for sustainable success, more significant impact, enhanced credibility, and personal fulfilment. The benefits of this transition are not just limited to your business but also extend to your personal life, making it a journey worth embarking on.

Two images, LHS a young boy starting to climb, RHS a professional climber on a summit

The Reality Check: Professional vs. Wannabe

Many business people start with great ideas and ambitions, but not all manage to turn those dreams into reality. The difference often lies in the approach and mindset. Here’s a stark comparison to help you evaluate where you stand:

- Understanding Financial Health: A professional business person knows their break-even point and ensures they pay themselves correctly every month. They are on top of their finances and make informed decisions based on solid data. In contrast, a wannabe might overlook these crucial details, often focusing more on immediate issues than long-term stability.

- Maintaining Standards and Systems: Professionals maintain high standards and do not tolerate breaches. They have systems and processes and understand that these take time to perfect. On the other hand, Wannabes often tolerate inefficiencies and lack proper systems, leading to chaos and stagnation.

- Embracing Effective Marketing Tools: Successful business people use video extensively in their marketing strategies because they know its effectiveness. Wannabes might refrain from using video due to discomfort with being on camera or lack of understanding of its impact. The lack of video can significantly limit your reach and engagement with potential customers.

- Prioritising Work-Life Balance: Professionals schedule rest time in advance, understanding the importance of work-life balance. Wannabes often need to pay more attention to this, leading to burnout and decreased productivity. A well-rested mind is more creative and effective in problem-solving.

Getting the Right Thing in the Right Place at the Right Time.

As a business coach, I emphasise the importance of getting the right thing in the right place at the right time. This principle is critical for transforming a struggling business into a successful one. Here’s how you can apply this idea:

1. Right Actions at the Right Time: Ensure your actions are timely and relevant. Timing is crucial, whether launching a marketing campaign, addressing a financial issue, or improving operational processes. Professionals understand the importance of timing and plan their actions accordingly.

2. Right People in the Right Roles: Evaluate your team and ensure that everyone is in the role that best suits their skills and strengths. This will improve your efficiency and boost morale and productivity. A professional businessperson recognises the value of having the right people in the right places.

3. Right Resources in the Right Areas: Allocate your resources—time, money, and effort—where they will have the most impact. Avoid spreading yourself too thin or investing in areas not aligning with your core objectives. Professionals strategically manage their resources to maximise returns.

Why You Should Aspire to Be a Professional Business Person

The journey to becoming a professional business person is about achieving business success and positively impacting the world. Here are some compelling reasons to make this transition:

1. Sustainable Success: Adopting professional behaviours lays a solid foundation for sustainable success. Your business will not only survive but thrive in the long run.

2. Greater Impact: Embracing professionalism in business operations improves efficiency and saves time and resources. Professionalism allows you to focus on initiatives that can significantly impact your community and industry, inspiring others to follow your lead. The potential for positive change and success is within your reach, and by adopting professional behaviours, you can unlock it.

3. Enhanced Credibility: Being professional enhances your credibility with clients, partners, and stakeholders. It builds trust and opens doors to more opportunities.

4. Personal Fulfillment: The journey to running your business professionally is about achieving business success and personal growth and fulfilment. Each step towards professionalism is a more rewarding and fulfilling life. Knowing that you are making a positive difference and achieving your goals is immensely rewarding, and it's a journey that can inspire and motivate you every step of the way.

Steps to Becoming a Professional Business Person

To transition from a wannabe to a professional, start by adopting the following behaviours:

- Develop a Clear Understanding of Your Finances: Regularly review your financial statements, understand your break-even point, and ensure you pay yourself correctly.

-Implement Robust Systems and Processes: Establish and adhere to standards that ensure efficiency and quality. Review and improve your processes regularly.

- Utilise Effective Marketing Tools: Embrace modern marketing techniques such as video marketing to reach a wider audience and engage them effectively.

- Prioritise Work-Life Balance: Schedule regular breaks and holidays to recharge. A well-rested mind is crucial for creativity and productivity.

- Continuous Learning and Improvement: Always look for ways to improve your knowledge and skills. Attend workshops, read industry publications, and seek feedback.


Aspiring to be a professional business person is a transformative journey that requires dedication, continuous learning, and a willingness to adopt effective behaviours. By embarking on this journey, you set yourself up for success and position your business to impact the world positively. Remember, the 'Right Thing in the Right Place at the Right Time' principle is not just a strategy; it's a mindset that can guide your every decision and action, instilling a sense of hope and determination in you and your team. Let's create a business world that values and uplifts every individual, regardless of background.

Are you ready to take the first step?

Start by engaging in a thoughtful self-reflection, evaluating your current practices and identifying areas for improvement. This self-awareness is the first step towards change.

This self-awareness is the first step towards change.

Download our Wannabe V Professional Business Person Quiz Here

Let’s create a business world that values and uplifts every individual, starting with ourselves.

"Success isn't just about what you accomplish in your life; it's about what you inspire others to do." - Steven Bartlett.

Click Here to take the test Business Person v Wannabee

Business SuccessPersonal fulfillmentSustainable success Enhanced credibilityWork-life balanceProfessional business person
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Patrick M Tarpey

The Right Things in the Right Place at the Right Time- Creating the future you want to see.

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Patrick Tarpey

91 Clark Road



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