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A queue of peple outside Rick Stein's Chip Shop in Padstow

The true life parable of The Butcher, The Fishmonger and Business Excellence?

May 03, 20245 min read

“I think human beings thrive on communication, and pubs and restaurants are a great way of communicating, a great way of enjoying each other” - Rick Stein

Introduction:The Art of Making Every Customer Feel Special

Success in business often comes down to how well we treat our customers. Whenever I meet a new client, I think about making them feel special, as if they're wearing a sign that says "PMMFS"Please Make Me Feel Special. This isn't just good for business; it's how I believe we should all treat each other because everyone deserves to feel valued.

In this blog, I'll share stories about my local butcher and celebrity chef, Rick Stein. You'll see how they handle customer relationships and why keeping a good list matters. It's about turning a simple sale into a lasting bond that can really help a business grow.

The Villlage of Padistow where Rick Stein Practices the Art of making his customers feel special.

1. My Local Butcher's Journey

 I’m all about quality, especially when it comes to food. My wife and I eat mostly plant-based meals during the week, but I treat myself to some decent meat on weekends. This search for quality led me to a local butcher known for his excellent cuts. Mandy, on the other hand, is a committed vegetarian who sticks to her diet.

The Butcher used to have a small spot inside a frozen food supermarket, but he had to move when the supermarket changed hands. He set up shop across the road, but I only found out through a friend. I hadn’t heard from him directly.

Years later, the same thing happened again. I heard from bits of overheard conversation that he was moving to a nearby village. I had to drive around a bit but eventually found his new place. Now, he’s selling not just meat but also local produce. It's great, but I had to find out on my own.

Despite his excellent products, I had to seek him out both times. He never reached out, which is a missed chance for him to keep his customers updated and looking after.

2. Rick Stein's Approach to Customer Engagement

Now, let’s contrast my butcher’s approach with that of Rick Stein, a famous chef known for his seafood. A friend of mine, Nigel, often buys from Rick’s seafood shop in Cornwall when he's there on holiday. One time, Rick himself served Nigel in the shop. They chatted about what Nigel was cooking, and Rick suggested a few extras to enhance his meal.

Before Nigel left, Rick made sure to get his email. He said he’d send Nigel some recipes and ideas. True to his word, a few weeks later, Nigel started getting newsletters from Rick with new cooking ideas and updates on what’s in season.

By Christmas, Nigel received a beautiful brochure from Rick’s shop. That year, everyone Nigel knew got a Rick Stein food hamper as a gift. It was the first time Nigel had been asked for his email, making him feel valued and connected.

Rick saw the value in making that personal connection and keeping in touch. He didn’t just sell Nigel fish; he gave him a reason to come back.

3. Why Building a Customer List Matters

Building a customer list isn’t just about collecting emails; it’s about creating connections. After their moves, my butcher and Rick Stein could have lost me and Nigel as customers. But while Rick took steps to keep in touch, my butcher missed out.

Here’s why keeping a list matters:

1. Stay in Touch: When you move or have news, you can tell your customers directly. They won’t have to stumble upon your new spot by chance.

2. Personalize Offers: Like Rick, you can send tailored advice or products based on what your customers like.

3. Boost Loyalty: Customers feel valued when you remember them. It’s not just about sales—it’s about building a relationship.

4. Drive Sales: Regular updates keep your business top of mind. When customers need something you offer, they’ll think of you first.

These steps don’t just keep your business running; they help it thrive. Engaging with customers and keeping them informed can make a big difference.

Conclusion: Taking Action on Customer Relationships

The stories of my local butcher and Rick Stein show two different approaches to handling customer relationships. While my butcher offers fantastic products, his lack of communication meant I had to work to remain his customer. On the other hand, Rick Stein's proactive engagement retained a loyal customer and enhanced his experience.

Here’s what small business owners can take from this:

- Ask for Contact Details: Simple at the checkout, just ask if your customers would like to receive updates or special offers via email.

Communicate Regularly: Don’t wait for your customers to come to you. Reach out with news, updates, or tips that can add value to their lives.

- Personalize Your Approach: Show your customers you know them by tailoring your communications to their preferences and past purchases.

- Make It Worth Their While: Give them a reason to stay on your list with exclusive offers or first dibs on new products.

Building a solid customer list is about more than just numbers; it's about forging lasting connections that benefit the business and its customers. Start today, and turn every sale into the beginning of a relationship that grows over time.

P.S.: A Personal Dilemma

Since the butcher's shop reopened, nobody has asked for my email again. I keep thinking about Rick Stein’s approach and how much it benefitted Nigel. Should I share this story with my butcher? What would you do if you were in my shoes? I’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions in the comments below!

Customer Engagement StrategiesSmall Business Growth TipsEffective List BuildingCustomer Service ExcellenceEntrepreneurial Success StoriesLocal Business Marketing
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Patrick Tarpey

** Will your business dare to venture beyond the usual with Patrick Tarpey?** Embark on elevating your outdoor adventure business to new heights with EC Coach Patrick Tarpey. In a sector that thrives on pushing boundaries and venturing beyond the usual, your business deserves a strategy that mirrors the exhilarating experiences you provide to your adventurers. 🚀 **Why Partner with Patrick?** - **Achieve Greatness Together:** Your vision of achieving greatness in the outdoor adventure sector becomes a shared mission. Together, we'll explore uncharted territories in business strategies, ensuring your company not only survives but thrives amidst the challenges. - **Optimized Strategies for Success:** Navigate through the complexities of the business world with strategies tailored just for you. Patrick works hand-in-hand with you, ensuring your business strategies are robust and uniquely optimised for your venture. - **Unlock Your Full Potential:** The path to unlocking the full potential of your business is now within reach. With a focus on elevating your performance, witness a transformation that propels your business towards unparalleled success. - **A Journey Towards Excellence:** Your pursuit of excellence becomes a journey we embark on together. Let’s unlock the true power of your business and pave the way towards becoming the best version of your entrepreneurial self. 🌟 **Your Success, Our Journey** In the realm of outdoor adventures, every expedition is unique, and so is your business. Patrick believes in crafting a journey that’s exclusively yours, ensuring the strategies and approaches are as unique and adventurous as the experiences you offer. 🛶 **Navigate Through Challenges with Ease** With Patrick, you’re not just adopting strategies; you’re gaining a partner who is as invested in your success as you are. Navigate through the ebbs and flows of the business landscape with a coach who stands by you, ensuring every challenge is turned into an opportunity for growth. 🗺️ **Your Map to Uncharted Success** Let’s chart a course towards uncharted success, ensuring your outdoor adventure business stands out and becomes a beacon of excellence in the sector.

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Patrick Tarpey

91 Clark Road



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